pH Indicator

The pH indicator article series is dedicated to increase awareness towards our interior surrounding and how much the latter affects us.

The concept of "beauty" is relative, and is only evaluated by the positive energy it emits, and thus the happiness it evokes. Nonetheless, there are some basic factors that help in the evaluation of a space. These factors determine if a place serves as a potential happiness-inducer or not.

We will be studying the following main points:

1. Natural Light
2. Ergonomics
3. Circulation and furniture layout
4. Greenery and Vegetation
5. Sustainability
6. Energy
7. Feng Shui
8. Color Palette
9. Material Palette

Sample designs will be reverse-engineered, dissected, studied, and analyzed, and then given a color score based on the pH Indicator Chart shown to the right, which is inspired by the Litmus paper pH indicator scale.

Red: extremely low pH=design suicide
Orange: very low pH
Yellow: low pH
Lime Green: weak pH

Grass Green: neutral pH

Blue: good pH
Navy Blue: high pH
Violet: very high pH=design success

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